Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back To Home School Mass

Dear Catholic Home School Families of Delaware,

You are invited to attend a Back to Home School Mass 
Photo by Don Blake of The Dialog
with Fr. John Grimm, at Holy Spirit Church 
on Tuesday, September 4th at 5:30 PM.  

Come and join the Catholic Home School community as we pray for God's blessings to be upon our families as we begin another year of school.

Feel free to forward to anyone who would be interested in this event.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Here's Why Homeschooling Has Gone Mainstream

by Librado Romero/The New York Times for the article The Gilded Age of Home Schooling

Studies show homeschooled kids, on average, are better educated than public school children.
By Susan Schaefer July 21, 2012 SOURCE

 A few months ago at 11 a.m. on a Tuesday, I saw a mom showing a well-behaved 8-year-old boy flashcards with Chinese characters on them in Panera. Homeschool alert!

I figured this woman was either a very conservative Christian or a crunchy granola type. Being annoyingly curious and inappropriate, as is my M.O., I struck up a conversation with her. She wasn’t either of those stereotypes. She was very nice and talked to me for a while about her experiences homeschooling her kids. I learned that homeschooling is way more organized than I thought and very in vogue at the moment.

In 1980, home schooling was illegal in 30 states. Now, it is legal in all 50 states with about 1.5 million to 2 million children being homeschooled in the U.S., roughly 3 percent of school-age children nationwide, according to a study by the National Center for Education Statistics.

In the same study, it was found that between 1999 and 2007, the number of homeschooled children rose 77 percent.The actual number may be even higher because not all parents who homeschool report information to the government. However, the general consensus is that the stigma associated with homeschooling is gone as it becomes more and more mainstream.

As for why more parents are homeschooling, it is not surprising that the highest percentage listed religious and moral instruction (36%), the next most popular reason being concerns about the school environment (21%), followed by dissatisfaction with academic instruction (17%).

There is also a trend toward co-op homeschooling where small groups of parents take turns teaching the children and/or hiring tutors to assume some of the responsibility. The image of homeschooled children spending their days sitting at the kitchen table are long gone. Today’s homeschooled are out and about with many museums offering programs to homeschoolers as well as other hands-on activities, such as nature centers. There are endless websites dedicated to non-traditional learning opportunities in addition to websites offering support and resources for homeschooling families.

I can teach a classroom of 28 5th graders who, between them, cover every learning and behavioral issue under the sun (note to my former colleagues: I said I could, I didn’t say I was good at it), but the thought of teaching my own boys scares me to death.

I always believed it was better to leave their academics in the capable hands of those who did not give birth to them, thus eliminating the emotional turmoil involved in getting them to open a book. But statistics indicate that this might not have been the wisest choice. According to the Homeschool Progress Report 2009: Academic Achievement and Demographics, homeschoolers, on average, scored 37 percentile points above their public school counterparts on standardized achievement tests.

Almost every study touches on a few other facts. It seems homeschooled kids are far from isolated from peers, do well in social situations, and are more likely to be involved in their community. The education level of the parents had little effect on the success of their children, as did state regulations, gender of the student, or how much parents spent on education. 

Speaking of spending per student, in public school about $10,000 is spent on each student, each year, as opposed the $500 spent on the average homeschooled student. This number sounds a little fishy since the last time I took my kids to the aquarium I spent $74 on three tickets. Bad puns aside, when I began this article I was dead set against homeschooling, as are many certified teachers. But, after doing research, I’m not so sure. Maybe the public school system could learn something from the homeschool community.

Friday, June 15, 2012

IHM National Catholic Homeschool & Parenting Conference 2012


This conference is an opportunity to hear dynamic and well-known Catholic speakers and be surrounded by those who love the Catholic faith! It's also great Catholic shopping...all under one roof.

Every year I am excited to be surrounded by so many who share my goals and to also find motivation to stay the course. 

I am hoping to tweet from the conferences using the #Hashtag  #IHMVA12 .

Oh...and did I mention it's FREE?

THE EVENT: The Eleventh Annual Immaculate Heart of Mary National Homeschool and Parent Conference

WHEN: Friday and Saturday, June 22nd and 23rd, 2012 (Friday, June 22nd from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.) (Saturday, June 23rd from 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)

NEW LOCATION! WHERE: Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center 2371 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg, VA 22401

WHO IS INVITED: All adults, not just homeschooling families. All religious are especially welcome. We love children, but must restrict attendance to young adults (13+) and nursing babies only. 

SPEAKERS: Over 20 speakers, many nationally known!
Speaker BiosSchedule of talks/description of topics - Teen Program & College Fair

VENDORS: Many Catholic vendors invited! Please note vendor area opens at NOON Friday and will stay open throughout the conference. 

FEATURES: Rosary, Family Consecration, Scapular Enrollment and Confessions! NO PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED! ADMISSION IS FREE!! PARKING: FREE and CONVENIENT!! CONTACT: Please email or call 540-636-1946.

WEBSITE: for additional conference information, including complete vendor listing, driving directions, hotel accommodations, speaker schedule, etc.

TAPES: All talks will be available for purchase. Orders for CDs and MP3s will be taken at the conference and shipped afterwards.

USED BOOK SALE! Here's your chance to pick up great deals on used books! We are bringing almost twice as many used books as we have had in the past..about 4,000 books! Hope to see you there! Please spread the word. Thanks and God bless!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Catholic Homeschool Co-Op in Delaware

"Agnus Dei is a Home School Co-operative for children in kindergarten through twelfth grade, located at Holy Spirit Church in New Castle, Delaware.  

Agnus Dei was formed to equip families with the support and resources necessary to provide students with a Catholic, Ignatian, and classical home-based education.   

The curriculum is developed by Kolbe Academy, a nationally recognized Catholic home school program.   Recognizing the benefits of home education, Agnus Dei seeks to provide supplementary academic assistance by meeting twice a week for instruction and academic planning.  Parents work together, combining effort and personal skills for the spiritual, academic, and social benefit of their children.  

As taught by the Church, we recognize parents as the primary educators of their children.

For more information, see their website -

Monday, April 23, 2012

Homeschool Vs. Public School ~ Infographic

For more click HERE. Some Fascinating Facts About Homeschool vs Public School


Friday, March 16, 2012

Recent CNN article on Homeschooling ~ NBHE

A recent homeschooling article on CNN from the originator of the National Black Home Educators...check it out.

Here's a clip.
"I learned many things during the first years of teaching my children. I didn’t realize the pressure we were under until we were set free of the educational “mess” of which they were part: The prepackaged curriculum, the one-size-fits-all model, the bullying and the negative socialization. Homeschooling allowed us to discover and experience pure, superior learning and a customized learning environment.
Some thought we were out of our minds. But, since then, my husband and I started an organization where parents are empowered to educate their children for excellence. The National Black Home Educators’ primary focus is to target African-Americans with the option of homeschooling. We also offer resources to parents of children that are still in the public and private schools, including learning materials that enable parents to engage in learning 30 minutes per day with their children at home."

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

March 3rd, Emmanuel Books Classical Homeschooling Book Fair

Save the date!
Please share with local homeschoolers, Classical book lovers and those who may be thinking of homeschooling. will be having a book fair and sale at Holy Spirit/Delaware gym on March 3rd, after First Saturday Mass until 1pm. 

It's great to have the opportunity to open the books and hear Paola speak. She's a wealth of information!
More details to come....